Cartoon Cuisine
Marge’s Delicious Boiled Celery
Celery is intended to be served as rigid vegetable, which is why it’s a great vessel for delivering dip into your mouth while still convincing yourself that you’re being healthy. Or it’s part of a base for delicious things like a mirepoix or exciting celery soup. Marge’s Delicious Boiled Celery in the screenshot looks vaguely…
Flanders’ Planter’s Punch
According to “college boy” Ned Flanders, he has a “Phd in mixology” . This is somewhat surprising given that he doesn’t include the full recipe for his drink: Flanders’ Planter’s Punch. I mean, unless he actually intends for Homer to drink about 5 shots of alcohol in one drink? Given how quickly Homer gets drunk, this…
Tartar Sauce with Fish Sticks
I have to agree with Homer, dry fish sticks do suck. But when done correctly, Tartar Sauce with Fish Sticks can transform a sub par lunch into a magical dish that makes people think that Homer is competent. And it’s all thanks to his hair! Actually, it’s pretty much all thanks to Karl, but everything…
Buttered Bacon with Baconed Up Sausage
I’m often at odds with Homer’s eating belief system. While in theory I appreciate the hilarity of his creations, in reality, his recipes are not something I’d not recommend that anyone else consume on a regular, or even semi-regular, basis. In the case of Buttered Bacon with Baconed Up Sausage, I would recommend to try this once…
Only 35 Calorie Rice Cake
It’s the start of a new year and what does that mean? It’s time to go on a diet fatty, fatty, fat, fat! And there’s no better way to diet then by eating nothing but an Only 35 Calorie Rice Cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. According to the screenshot, the breakdown of Homer’s Only…
Hot Pepsi
I personally think that New Year’s Eve is the very anticlimactic. I know some people enjoy it and choose to celebrate by standing around in a freezing cold square for, like, 6-12 hours without a bathroom break. But that’s not really for me on really any night of the year. My biggest problem with New…
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