Category: Video Game

  • Cake Puzzle from The 7th Guest

    Cake Puzzle from The 7th Guest

    I have many fond memories of playing The 7th Guest, while conveniently forgetting all the reasons why this game drove me crazy (looking at you bishop puzzle). Originally released in 1993, this was peak CD-ROM horror game technology of the day. Complete with puzzles that were both challenging, infuriating and…delicious? The cake puzzle is one…

  • Cup Noodles from Final Fantasy XV

    Cup Noodles from Final Fantasy XV

    Full disclosure: I haven’t actually played Final Fantasy XV, this is a reader request. Final Fantasy style games aren’t really my style. I’m more of a D&D RPG nerd and maybe (definetly) I will have a Baldur’s Gate recipe coming up soon! Anyway, since I’ve been struggling with finding non-imagination ingredients AND I’m super lazy…

  • Slice of Cake from Fat Princess

    Slice of Cake from Fat Princess

    So, who wants to get into a lengthy discussion about feminism and video games? No? What about video games and fat shaming? Oh right, it’s not that kind of blog. In fact, I think the most political thing I’ve ever written on here is that I don’t really like liver and onions. Yeah that’s right,…