Forbidden Doughnut

We’ve all been there, you get that mid-morning sugar craving but all the doughnuts are gone. Then you end up selling your soul to the devil for a Forbidden Doughnut. You know, typical Tuesday. If you follow the blog at all, you might recall that Satan and I had a recent conversation regarding cursed frozen yogurt, or as I call it: frogurt. Anyway, who says The Prince of Darkness and I can’t hang out twice in one week?

Let’s discuss Homer’s doughnut plan for a moment. By not eating the entire doughnut The Devil has not (technically) fully delivered on his promise. But what happens when the doughnut finally decays? Is the doughnut now finished even if Homer didn’t technically eat it all? At what point, on a microscopic level, is the doughnut considered to be “eaten” and the contract fulfilled?

Unfortunately, the hipster place I ended up buying my Forbidden Doughnut from didn’t have any options with sprinkles. But this one looked kind of close…


The fridge is both a good and bad place to keep a doughnut for safe storage. It’s good because it’s going to slow food decay – even if we didn’t decide when that officially involves. But, at the same time, leaves you open for late night snacking. Ultimately, Homer finishes the doughnut. From there, he enters the Ironic Punishment portion of hell and gets to eat “all the doughnuts in the world”. I briefly considered trying to see how many doughnuts I could eat in one sitting. But, that seemed like it would be unpleasant for all concerned. I just had the one doughnut (ok, two) and it was actually “scrum-didilly-umptious”, minus the last bite of course. 

Forbidden Doughnut


So, I guess all is well for me and my soul going forward and there’s no reason for me to be concerned about anything at all. Except for that fog that turns people inside out…

Cromulence: 9 James Cocos out of 10

Forbidden Doughnut Recipe From: Treehouse of Horror IV (The Simpsons Season 5 – Episode 5)






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Glenn S.

I’ve wondered what would happen if someone else ate Homer’s soul doughnut since he himself didn’t eat it. But if worse comes to worse you can ask for a fair trial to determine your fate. (Though that may not work in Mexico.) But beware if you win the trial you may have to have that ill gotten doughnut be forever on your head (be sure not to pick at it). I guess the devil is a sore loser, but then again he is the devil.
And just for the sake of saying it, “This is indeed a disturbing universe.”


But Glenn, I’m so sweet and tasty!