Category: Thoughts On Food
I’m Back Baby
Hey, remember when I had that blog Eats Like A Duck and then I switched it over to Cartoon Cuisine and then I stopped posting? Yeah, me neither. Oh, who am I kidding with my awesome lies!? Of course I remember! Have you ever moved to a new house except instead of a house it’s…
It’s Not Fall Yet Because It’s Still August
I know that the standard thing to complain about when items “go up in stores too soon” is usually reserved for Christmas decorations in September. But today I want to talk about all the Fall/Autumn stuff that is being shoved in my face while I’m still sweating (like a lot) just sitting around at home.…
Purple Mush Dinners: A Discussion
Early episodes of The Simpsons are many things: ground breaking and hilarious come to mind – but having stellar animation with great attention to detail? Not so much. I’ve been re-watching the early seasons recently and I have to ask: what are the Purple Mush Dinners the Simpsons family keeps eating at dinnertime? Exhibit one…