Category: Dinner

  • Springfield Retirement Castle Kidney Mush

    Springfield Retirement Castle Kidney Mush

    Boo! Exit to your left. It’s almost Halloween and what is more terrifying than the grim possibility of living out your golden years in a retirement home eating mushed up foods? Kidney Mush does not sound appealing, as either a food or a medical condition, so why does Homer engage in violent wheelchair racing just to eat…

  • Movementarian Lima Beans

    Movementarian Lima Beans

    If you recall this episode well (and I certainly hope you do because it’s hilarious), you might remember that Homer apparently ate an “entire month’s supply” of the Movementarians low-protein gruel. So they were likely forced to switch to he Movementarian Lima Beans as a way to feed their growing religious organization. Sometimes it’s the little…

  • Rodd and Todd’s Jelly and Candy Sandwich

    Rodd and Todd’s Jelly and Candy Sandwich

    I’ve always wondered about the whole “not calling grownups by their first name” rule; especially since I’m technically what many would consider an adult…I mean, I’ve been tried as one. Anyway, I’m fine with kids addressing me by my first name. I’m also ok with them eating a Jelly and Candy Sandwich, especially since the…

  • Stonecutter Ribs

    Stonecutter Ribs

    Summer time equals barbeque time and what better way to enjoy the summer (or your initiation into a secret society) then by having some Stonecutter Ribs. I’d like to take this opportunity to express that I am in no way an expert on ribs. Nor have I ever claimed to be. Full credit for the…

  • Wordloaf Dinner Garlic Mashed Potatoes

    Wordloaf Dinner Garlic Mashed Potatoes

    I’ve never understood people who try to make “healthy” garlic mashed potatoes, the kind of mashed potatoes that are so dry you need to douse them in gravy for it to taste palatable. Clearly, the Wordloaf Dinner Garlic Mashed Potatoes are good because we all know Tom Wolfe has excellent taste in mashed foods. My…

  • Coleslaw with Pineapple and German Potato Salad

    Coleslaw with Pineapple and German Potato Salad

    While The Simpsons have many Halloween and Christmas themed episodes, Easter ones are much rarer. And Simpsons Bible Stories isn’t even really about Easter, but what are you gonna do? I guess I’ll make Coleslaw with Pineapple and German Potato Salad! I didn’t really know what German potato salad was until I started researching this recipe. It’s…