Moe’s Tavern has been transformed numerous times over the years. It’s been a gay bar (Mo’s) a pet shop (the best damn pet shop in town!) and a snooty post modern club (M) among others. However, Uncle Moe’s Family Feedbag is easily my favorite iteration, just based on the décor alone! An alligator with sunglasses? Now I’ve seen everything.
Of course, what kind of a Simpsons food blogger would I be if didn’t make the menu items that Uncie Moe features at his restaurant? That’s why I am excited to announce the start of Moe Madness!
- Spaghetti and Moe-Balls
- Moe’s Hobo Chicken Chili
- Guilt Free Steak Fish Fillets
- Fiestaritos
- Amtrak Style Hot Dog
- Ranchy Wingy-Things
- Southwestern Pizza Fingers
- Million Dollar Birthday Fries
Yes, I know I’m behind the “real” March Madness, but this took a little longer to organize than I anticipated. You don’t like it? Well, that’s too freaking bad!
What in the hell are Fleshtaritos? That sounds like nightmare food.
An intrepid reader pointed out that they are actually “Fiestaritos” which saves me from actually making Fleshtaritos – which, as you correctly point out, sounds like nightmare food.
It would have been an interesting test of your blogging resolve to see what you would be willing to do to who to create authentic (I’m assuming they scream when you eat them) Fleshtaritos.
Don’t worry, I will fully cover this process in an upcoming post about these monstrosities.