Marge’s Delicious Gelatin Dessert

As an adult, about the only time that I make Jell-O is in shot form. So when creating Marge’s Delicious Gelatin Dessert, I had to wrap my mind around the concept of substituting vodka for water. However, replicating this dessert is as simple as adding hot and cold water to a colorful powder. It was actually more of a challenge then I had anticipated, mostly because marshmallows are stupid and don’t stay where they’re supposed to. And that was despite my shooting a marshmallow and yelling “let that be a lesson to the rest of you marshmallows!”.

Overall, this is a very common recipe. However most recipe sites that I searched suggest substituting fruit for marshmallows. But remember: you chose fruit, you live with fruit.


  • 2 Packages of Lime Jell-O
  • 10 Marshmallows


Protip: Jell-O comes with directions on the side of the box. However, just in case you’re confused you add a cup of boiling water for each pack of Jell-O and stir until the mixture is dissolved. Next you add a cup of cold water, stir, and place your now lukewarm liquid into the fridge to set. If you want to make your Jell-O tall like Marge’s, you will need a dedicated mold. Not being a 73 year old grandmother, I wasn’t about to spend money on that. Instead I found a tall, narrow bowl, which worked just fine. Actually, I lied. In my first attempt at making this I bought a dish from the thrift store for a one dollar.

Marge’s Delicious Gelatin Dessert – Attempt One


However, my mistake was going wide instead of tall and so things turned out horribly. If you add marshmallows to Jell-O while it’s still liquid, they turn to complete mush and are disgusting. Here’s what you need to do to successful make Marge’s Delicious Gelatin Dessert.

Wait approximately two hours before adding marshmallows to your Jell-O. The consistency of the Jell-O should be not quite liquid and not quite solid (solquid?). That will allow you to add marshmallows that will sit still and behave dammit! Anyway, by following this method I was able to achieve the satisfying removal of a marshmallow just like Homer and that marshmallow still maintained it’s consistency!

Marge’s Delicious Gelatin Dessert – Attempt Two


It should be noted that when Mr. Burns is presented with the Gelatin Dessert he says: “Oh, for the love of Peter! It seems that some damned fool went around telling everyone that I loved that slimy goop!”


Not to sound like Jeff Albertson or anything, but in a later Simpson’s episode, Burns’ Heir (Season 5 – Episode 18), the following exchange takes place between Mr.s Burns and Bart:

Bart: Uh…I think I’d like to go home.
Mr. Burns: If you stay, you can have anything you want to eat. Even…some sort of gelatin dish. It’s made from hooves, you know.

Which is it Monty, do you like gelatin or not??

Cromulence: 6 patented aggression therapy mallets out of 10

Marge’s Delicious Gelatin Dessert From: There’s No Disgrace Like Home (The Simpsons Season 1 – Episode 4)






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I think he just likes that horses either died or had their feet cut off to make a product, a la see my vest.


Maybe Mr. Burns still doesn’t like gelatin himself, but he thinks Bart would like it…


People, people, that was all wrong! Mr Burns doesn’t say “this day”, he says: *pages through script* “if you stay”!

Oh, and you have an errant apostrophe in your main page’s title field, which needs to be yoinked from its gelatin environment like so many marshmallows. One, I guess.


Thanks for the help, mysterious stranger. Say…I think your comment gave me super powers!